czwartek, 1 lutego 2018

Finally, an article published.

I managed to finally published an article -  Pyre-Related Material in Inhumation Graves: Investigating Traces of Viking Age Biritualism in South-Western Scania. Here is the abstract:

The article discusses and briefly describes the inclusion of cremated remains in the inhumation burials dating to the Viking Age discovered in six locations in south-western Scania. Previous interpretations, linking the material to human funerary sacrifice and the cult of Odin, are discussed. A new perspective is proposed, focusing on the transformative nature of the burial and on its role in establishing the identities of the mourners, with special attention directed towards New Kinship studies. Ideas for further research are presented.

If you are interested in the subject, just pick up Lund Archaeological Review 22 (2016) or follow this link